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Considering Ductless?

Ductless mini splits, or ductless heat pumps, have become increasingly popular in homes around Douglas, WY. And since word-of-mouth is the most common way for homeowners to learn about going ductless, there are some myths floating around out there.

Ductless heat pumps sound nice, but they don’t work in cold climates.

Ductless heat pumps have come a long way since the earlier days of the technology. Initial mass-market heat pumps struggled at the cold temperatures we’re used to here in Wyoming, but recent advancements have enabled ductless heat pumps to adequately serve our area!

Cold-climate ductless systems are able to provide at least 85% of their heating power at temperatures as cold as 5° F and lower.

I’ll never get used to that box on the wall!

Ever since the introduction of ductless to the US, homeowners have expressed concerns about that box on the wall. But with ductless, a home without ductwork or central air can experience the benefits of the ductless’ cooling capacity over a home with no installed cooling.

Ductless systems also now come in a variety of shapes, sizes and configurations. So you can find a model that fits with your home’s style and needs. And once homeowners have been living with their system, almost 95% report being highly satisfied with their decision. Low energy bills and considerable comfort outweighed aesthetic concerns when it came down to it.

And with home energy scores increasingly becoming part of the home sale process, ductless may be of increasing value for your home!

The noise will drive me crazy.

Large central heat pumps and air conditioners definitely used to be an issue. Both the compressor, the outdoor unit, and the air moving through the system fan created noticeable noise. Ductless heat pumps, however, offer more advanced compressor technologies and a smaller size. This means quieter units that are nearly inaudible – definitely quieter than a box fan on high speed or a window AC unit.

It will take too long to heat and cool our house.

Your ductless system should have no problem keeping up with your home’s heating and cooling needs. If you keep in mind that a heat pump works differently than a furnace and should be operated differently, too, following these simple practices will keep your home at the right temperature.

With a traditional furnace, we are used to the system coming on full-blast and then turning off when the set temperature has been reached.

Ductless heat pumps efficiently heat and cool your home by running at a consistent mid-to-low speed, providing a more consistent temperature and less of a temperature “swing” in between cycles the way a furnace operates.

There is also generally no need to set your system back at all. Unlike with a furnace, where you might set the thermostat back while you are sleeping or away from the house, with a ductless heat pump you just set it and forget it! Why? Because these systems are able to provide a little bit of heat when the home needs just a little, and a lot of heat when the home needs a lot.

With high-efficiency equipment, this means great savings and very stable temperatures. You can still set the thermostat back when you’re away, but we’d recommend dialing it back by just 3° F. With exceptions for extended absences, we recommend never setting a home below 62° F in order to prevent mildew from growing. The same general rules apply for ductless heat pumps in cooling mode during summer months.

While no heating and cooling system is perfect, ductless heat pumps offer a variety of options and experiences that can truly deliver the comfort you need, along with unmatched efficiency and savings. Talk to us today about Going Ductless!

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